ドビュッシー:編曲作品集CD付 / ヴァイオリン・ピアノ
¥1,790 税込
Claude Debussy: Debussy's treasures : for violin and piano : position 1-5 (Book & CD)
Catalogue No: F959-400
Shop Product Code: 229124H
Status: Usually despatched within 10 - 12 working days
Arranger: Cesarini, Franco
Department: Strings - Violin
Publisher: Fentone
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Debussy Treasures Violin and Piano - Book & CD. With the enchanted pieces in this collection violinists can begin to acquaint themselves with the music of the Impressionists. For this purpose 8 well-known pieces by Claude Debussy have been selected & adapted. Thanks to the printed piano accompaniment you can play them with a pianist, as well as using the accompiment on the CD, which also contains complete demo versions of all the pieces. Inc: Clair De Lune, Reverie, Mazurka, Passepied, & More/
¥1,790 税込